Loan protection insurance

Loan protection insurance is meant to provide financial support in case of sickness and accidents that affect your monthly income. Whether the need is due to disability or unemployment, the monthly loan costs are financed by the insurance company or the bank that offers the service.

How it works

loan insured familyLoan protection insurance pays the monthly debts up to a predetermined amount and it is often a short-term protection. The insurance normally covers the monthly loan costs from 12 to 24 months depending on which service you choose. The benefits of the policy can be used to pay off payday loans. personal loans, car loans or credit cards. Normal terms is that you are between 18-65, you are healthy, and you have a daily job with income.

Types of loan insurance

Standard insurance
This policy disregards the age, occupation and if you are a smoker, woman or a man. You can choose the amount that your insurance should cover, but it will of course also affect the insurance cost. It is common for banks and credit companies to offer this kind of insurance.

Age-Related insurance
The insurance cost is determined by your age and the amount you want to be insured. The insurance normally covers your loan expenses for a maximum of 1 year. This insurance even covers the loan expenses in case of death, which is a good protection for relatives that might be affected by the debts of their relatives.

What Are the Costs?
There is no fixed costs for these kinds of insurance. The price is determined by where you live, your age, your income, debts and how much you want the insurance to cover. It is therefore impossible to even give a hint of the cost. The best thing to do is to contact several insurance companies to compare costs.


Make sure you read all clauses in the contract so that you know exactly what and when the insurance covers your loan expenses. Also, make sure that you qualify for coverage in case something happens.

Demand that the insurance company or the bank explains the terms and conditions in a way that you understand everything, otherwise you should look for an alternative company.

Choose a well-known insurance company or a bank that you trust over new, small and unknown companies, it will always be a safer choice.

It is more important to get loan protection insurance for a mortgage or a personal loan than a small credit such as a payday loan or interest-free loan since the small credits are short and with insurance you can get a loan and insurance cost that is higher than the actual loan.




This article was last updated on: April 23, 2023